
To raise up students that know their God, stand strong, and do great things.
(Daniel 11:32)


Discipleship First

Our mission is to develop wholly devoted disciples that love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matt 22:37).
To care for the whole person and ensure they are thriving inside (emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically) and out (academically, athletically, creatively, relationally, & spiritually)

Family Focus

We believe that parents are the primary pastors, shepherds, and teachers of their children. It is our goal as a school to be an extension of what is happening at home and to protect parents rights, and provide support to the family as they pursue God together.

Academic Excellence

We believe that as students come to know God, His love, and His purpose for them; they will out of love do everything as unto the Lord and strive for excellence in all things. NCS teaches the Alberta Education curriculum, has excellent and qualified faculty,  and encourages students do all things for the glory of God.

Athletic excellence

Through our athletics programs, physical education classes, and the many opportunities our students have to take part in team and individual sports, we place high value in athletic excellence, work ethic, and celebrate athletic achievement.

Creativity: Worship Arts, Drama, & Fine Arts

We believe that every student is uniquely gifted by God and make it our aim to equip them to develop their gift and inspire them to create, express, and let their light shine for the glory of God. Through our brand-new worship arts program, and our existing drama, and fine arts programs, students are given many opportunities to develop their God-given gifts.

Reports, Education Plan, & Financial Statements

Audited Financial Statement